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Bow bollard

Codice: 609

Bow bollard
Bow bollard
Bow bollard
Bow bollard
Bow bollard
Bow bollard

Designed by Dimcar Design Department

Bow, from the English literally "bow", to highlight the fold that the body of the bollard makes, almost as if it wants to lean out on one side to attract attention.
A simple and irreverent design that breaks all the stereotypes linked to this type of product.
Suitable for any outdoor space, it is crossed at the top along its entire circumference by a LED sign strip to mark paths, entry or exit points.


  • Height: 100,0 cm
  • Length: 22,0 cm
  • Witdh: 10,2 cm

tech-image-Bow bollard

Galvanized Steel

Briliant aluminium

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